Thursday, September 30, 2010

Campaigns for social good

Some interesting things here - I really like number 4, if we could have a corporate partner agree an action on the basis of what we can get fans to do? That would be cool! And are we brave enough to ask someone to donate their facebook status for a period (no.4)?

Who needs Government IT costing millions when you've got such talented 16 year-olds.

"During the week of Young Rewired State 2010, I decided to design a website which takes the energy consumption figures from each individual Government Department and puts them in one place in order to compare usage and to monitor the Government’s pledge to reduce its carbon footprint. This, GovSpark, is the result."

Isabell Long - Age 16

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

World of online communities

Online community resources

Here's some useful online community and social media resources that I've found.

The confusing(?) mobile market

Came across this infographic (I know how we all love 'em!). Thought it might give an illustration of the complexity of the mobile marketplace...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Discipline of Content Strategy

We, the people who make websites, have been talking for fifteen years about user experience, information architecture, content management systems, coding, metadata, visual design, user research, and all the other disciplines that facilitate our users’ abilities to find and consume content.

Weirdly, though, we haven’t been talking about the meat of the matter. We haven’t been talking about the content itself.

Strategic Content Management

"Trying to fix an organization’s content problems by installing a content management system (CMS) is like trying to save a marriage by booking a holiday. We know that a successful web project needs a content strategy—but when it comes to the CMS, we stop thinking strategically. Despite all the talk about user-centered design, we rarely consider the user experience of the editorial team—the people who implement the content strategy. We don’t design a CMS, we install it."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Visual of mobile access to social tools

I loved this graphic for illustrating quite how many people are accesing social plaforms via mobiles

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mini-Survey on the effect of Social Media on some UK Charity web sites

Mini-Survey on the effect of Social Media ( incl Twitter and FB) on some UK Charity web sites, suing analytics in an interesting way.

Conclusion: visits from social media sources are growing but from a very low base.
Around 1% of all visits come from Social Media. More details here:

Photo/Graphic: deanmeyersnet social media graphic

Sent by Katie via Email:

Really like this concept which has been nominated for a digital inclusion award ….

Monday, September 20, 2010

Social Good: Charity and Technology in the Online Universe

I love Infographics.  So, here's another; this time looking at charity and technology in the online universe.

I particularly like the icons for the different generations (goes totally sci-fi) and the caption for the 5% of people who were repeat-donors.

Social Media Exchange training

In case anyone is interested, this could be interesting - can mix and match the workshops you want to attend....

Friday, September 17, 2010

Trends about 'social good'

Thought this was really interesting, especially the micro volunteering

Google Instant

Email from Maddy at Big Mouth about the impact of Google Instant launching - seems like the most relevant thing for us is that we may start to see part-words (eg 'can' or 'fundr') coming through as keywords generating traffic...

As you are probably aware, Google Instant was announced yesterday, which means search results will now update as users type their queries. 

The key features of Google Instant are summarised below:

Official Google Blog
  • Dynamic Results - Google dynamically displays relevant search results as you type so you can quickly interact and click through to the web content you need.
  • Predictions - One of the key technologies in Google Instant is that we predict the rest of your query (in light gray text) before you finish typing. See what you need? Stop typing, look down and find what you’re looking for.
  • Scroll to search - Scroll through predictions and see results instantly for each as you arrow down.
  • Google Instant is starting to roll-out to users on Google domains in the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Russia who use the latest browsers (Chrome v5/6, Firefox v3, Safari v5 for Mac and Internet Explorer v8). Please note, users on domains other than can only access Google Instant if they are signed in to a Google Account. We will continue to add new domains and languages over the next several months.

Google AdWords / PPC

With Google Instant, an impression is counted if a user takes an action to choose a query (for example, presses the Enter key or clicks the Search button), clicks a link on the results page, or stops typing for three or more seconds.

Google Webmaster Tools / SEO

With Google Instant, you may notice an increase in impressions because your site will appear in search results as users type.

Matt Cutts / SEO

Q: Does Google Instant kill search engine optimization (SEO)?

A: No! Almost every new change at Google generates the question “Will X kill SEO?” Here’s an video I did last year, but it still applies:

Q: Will Google Instant change search engine optimization?
A: I think over time it might. The search results will remain the same for a query, but it’s possible that people will learn to search differently over time. For example, I was recently researching a congressperson. With Google Instant, it was more visible to me that this congressperson had proposed an energy plan, so I refined my search to learn more, and quickly found myself reading a post on the congressperson’s blog that had been on page 2 of the search results.

Google Analytics

With this change, you might notice some fluctuations in AdWords impression volume and in the distribution of organic keywords. For example, you may find that certain keywords receive significantly more or fewer impressions moving forward.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

mobile websites review

Terence Eden reviews his favourite ad agencies' websites... as viewed on a mobile:

broken mobile

Photo: kozumel

3 ways to organise staff for digital media success, Article on Because It's Good

Following Unicef UK’s report on digital media marketing in the third sector and the presentation at our last team meeting, please fin underneath a link to an article by Joe Downie (Water Aid) explaining the best way to structure teams for successful charity digital media campaigns:

If anybody comes across the original Unicef report, please post a link here!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pressure on Apple to allow charity apps 'revolution'

(From Louise by email)

Wired Article: The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet

(Sent by Caspar via email)

Two articles on one page: one article on the www's slow death and the rise of the app usurper, the other article on the changes that different models of economic control bring to internet development. Essential reading for anybody working in digital media who  would still like to do so in 10 years time.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Converting video files...

FYI, you probably already know about these but should he need help converting the files he can use the WinFF/FFMPEG combo: