This article has nothing to do with my penchant for chocolate... honest. Mmm... chocolate...
Cadbury's Spots vs Stripes campaign, at first glance, doesn't seem like anything new. Nice fishy, CG advert, duck stealing seaweed, etc. But the really interesting part of this campaign seems to be the 'vs' bit.
Are you a Stripes or a Spots?
When you visit the Spots vs Stripes website, you'll notice not one, but two Facebook links. One for Spots, the other for Stripes. Caedbury's immediately want you to pick a team. Teams members compete in games against the other side and win points for their team - which are posted on the site's scoreboard.
If you scroll to the bottom of the site's homepage, you'll notice three feeds are embedded there. A Twitter feed in the middle with a Spots Facebook stream on the left and a Stripes Facebook stream on the right.
The entire premise seems to be linked to the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games, but that isn't a very prominent aspect of the campaign other than the fact that this runs until the Olympics start.
Cadbury's have all their channels lined up, fans for each team and a central hub, linked to Facebook accounts with which to support them.
A really interesting, cross-channel campaign. Let's see if it fizzles out as people get bored or snowballs and everyone gets involved.
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