Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A way to improve the digital knowledge throughout Macmillan?

As we start to think about how to improve the digital knowledge throughout Macmillan, this article has already coined a phrase for it.

Perhaps one thing to consider as a result is to target those in the organisation that are already 'digital natives' (in a bottom up appraoch) and use them as mentors/reverse mentors/advocates on our behalf as well as us evangelising ourselves...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Industry Bodies, Operators and Retailers Unite to Form MCJIC

"It was great to see the launch of MCJIC. As acronyms go, it's not the snappiest, but the body's mission, to ensure that retailers make the most of the mCommerce opportunity, is a laudable one." ...so Mobile Marketing News tells me ;-)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Communicating Errors

From UserFocus.co.uk, an excellent article on writing good error messages.  Very useful when you need to design those pesky 404 pages.

Communicating Errors (UserFocus)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Usability review of charity sites

This is a bit old, so people may have already seen, but some interesting things highlighted in this article reviewing charity websites (including ours) which have successfully developed their online brand using modern and creative ideas"


Some interesting challenge for us, including "A large usability error on the Macmillan sign-in form is the lack of labels within or next to the appropriate fields." One for us to consider?